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  • The Breather

Five Things The Counseling Center Wants You To Know

Hello there from the YU Counseling Center! As we start a new semester together, here are a few things we’d like you to know about us. We look forward to working together with you and making your YU experience the best it can possibly be!

1. Most students are at least a little nervous about their first visit to the Counseling Center. In fact, many students tell us that they had “call the Counseling Center” on their to-do list for weeks or even months before they finally reached out. You might think it would be a good idea to contact us, but find yourself digging up every excuse not to. We want you to know that this is totally understandable! The good news is that students who’ve told us it was hard to make their first appointment are also the ones to tell us that their first visit went better than they could have imagined. Indeed, they report feeling relieved and more hopeful after their initial meeting with someone on our team.

2. Coming to us doesn’t mean you’re “weak” or that something is terribly wrong. On the contrary, we think it’s great that you’re asking for help! Current trends in psychological research focus on building skills and strengthening habits that make us stronger and more resilient. We’re speaking less in terms of “illness” and more so about growth. Our offices are filled with bright, motivated students who want to be proactive about dealing with the stressors that could otherwise hold them back.

3. You can talk to us about anything; you can’t scare us! Students sometimes worry that certain topics are too embarrassing or taboo to bring up, even with a therapist. We want you to know that there’s no shame in this game — we are ready, willing and able to discuss what’s on your mind, but communication is essential to this process. If you want help with addressing a situation that is bothering you, you need to be open with us.

4. Our sessions are confidential. The Counseling Center does not share files or information with any other department of the university. In fact, our licensing rules prohibit us from speaking about you with anyone, unless, of course, you give us permission to do so. The only exception to those rules is if we have reason to be concerned that you are a risk to yourself or others. In such a case, it would be our duty to keep you safe.

5. Here’s how to get in touch: You can reach us by phone at (646) 592-4210 (Beren) or (646) 592-4200 (Wilf). You can also request an appointment by email at

We look forward to meeting with you, and we wish you a wonderful semester!

The Counseling Center

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