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  • The Breather

No Shame On U

No Shame on U is a Chicago-based organization that was founded by Miriam Ament in 2014. The organization aims to foster mental health awareness and strives to eliminate the stigma of mental health specifically within the Chicago Jewish community.

Additionally, the organization serves to provide support for individuals with mental health conditions and their family members. No Shame on U provides this support by running community outreach programs, classes, and workshops. The organization’s web site presents online tools, resources, and educational presentations about mental health.

I had the opportunity to ask Miriam if she could provide Yeshiva University students with advice in regard to resuming college classes in these difficult times. Miriam provided four tips to help each student have the healthiest approach.

The first tip was “You are not alone in your feelings” — Each student should understand that it is very common to feel sadness, anger, frustration, and/or anxiety during these unprecedented times.

The second tip was “Connect with others” — Even if one can not interact with other individuals in person, engaging in consistent video calls or phone calls with friends and family is integral for proper mental health.

The third one was “Maintain a routine” — It is important to set goals for coursework to be completed, to schedule in time for physical activity each day, and to make sure you get fresh air regularly.

Finally, Miriam’s fourth tip was to “Reach out”. If your feelings of sadness or anxiety seem to be becoming overwhelming, please reach out to your campus mental health resources. The 24/7 crisis text line: 741741 or the 24/7 crisis hotline 1-800-273-TALK are also valuable resources. No Shame on U and other organizations are successfully eliminating the stigma of mental health in the Jewish community and beyond. Rather than simply learning about these organizations, you too can take on a role in stomping out the stigma of mental health. Furthermore, we should all try to thank the individuals of our communities who have made it their mission to eliminate the stigma and support people in need.

Atara Greenberg

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