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  • The Breather

Creating Positivity Market

I founded Positivity Market to provide a creative, collaborative, and positive space for young adults. I spent my time at Yeshiva University as a Media Studies major and a Sociology minor, developing the idea for an online mental health platform. Once I graduated and quarantine began, I began to see an even greater need for a positive online space. Social media had become a source of stress, rather than a creative escape that fostered positivity. I wanted our site to be a place that people looked forward to visiting. One that brought happiness, support, and a brief escape from the surrounding negativity.

I did not want Positivity Market to be a simple digital media platform that advocates for mental health. Rather, I wanted it to be a hub for creative minds and talents. A place where individuals could showcase their work, and feel proud of the result and its mission. We constantly partner with different writers, graphic designers, artists, and musicians, all dedicated to creating a one-stop positivity shop.

As a company, our motivation is to become your digital best friend, and to remind you of your capabilities and greatness. In an effort to do so, we have created an array of content tailored to any mood, situation, or event you may be going through. Every aspect of our website is designed to remind you that we are here for you, and that we can provide support when it matters most. Our team works tirelessly to curate the perfect playlists, blog posts, merchandise, and mood boosters to ensure that you never feel alone.

As Positivity Market continues to grow, I hope to consistently promote different voices, and collaborate with creatives to bring our readers the positivity they need.

To get involved with Positivity Market, feel free to reach out to Rachel Herschmann at

Rachel Herschmann

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